혼동하기 쉬운 어휘
자주 출제되는 동사
어휘/어구 정리
자주 출제되는 동사
어휘/어구 정리
에 가서 고객들 태워 올겁니까?)
Where are you going to pick up the office supplies? (사무 용품들 어디 가서 살겁니까?)
The phone rang and I picked it up. (전화가 울리 길래 내가 받았어.)
10. postpone = put off : 연기하다, 미루다
The meeting has been postponed till next week. (회의가 다음주로 연기되었다.)
The match had to be put off due to the inclement weather.
(나쁜 날씨 때문에 경기가 연기될 수밖에 없었다.)
11. install: 설치하다
When will the security system be installed? (보안시스템이 언제 설치되나요?)
12. have a look at = take a look at = see
Can I take a look at the report? (제가 그 보고서 좀 봐도 될까요?)
13. be in charge of~ : ~이 누구의 책임 하에 있다.
Who’s in charge of this project? (이 프로젝트 책임자가 누구인가요?)
14. take effect = come into effect = go into effect : 효력을 발생하다
When will the new policy take effect? (새 정책이 언제부터 효력을 발생하나요?)
15. look forward to~ : 학수고대하다.
I’m really looking forward to our vacation. (난 우리 휴가가 정말 기다려진다.)
1) specification : 명세, 규격
We'd better double-check the specifications.
2) go on strike : 파업하다
The workers went on strike because the company refused to pay them health benefits.
3) conduct a survey : 조사를 행하다
When are you conducting the customer satisfaction survey?
4) come to a standstill : 멈추다, 정지하다
All computers in this room came to a standstill because of an unexpected blackout.
5) bid : 입찰(서)
We've already received bids from our regular bidders.
6) consumer confidence : 소비자 심리
Consumer confidence was low during the first quarter.
7) finance : <동> 자금을 대다
Most companies are financed with money from investors.
8) a fortune : 막대한 금액
They charged me a fortune for repair.
9) innovative : 혁신적인
To make a profit, we need an innovative product.
10) recession : 경기침체
The world economy tends to suffer a recession about every ten years.
11) reimburse : (먼저 쓴 돈을 사후에) 상환해주다
Can I get reimbursed for the car's damage?
12) file a tax return : 세금납부신고서를 제출하다
My spouse doesn't have to file a tax return because she doesn't work.
13) current balance : 현재잔고
The current balance in my bank account is $500.
14) bank statement : 은행거래내역서
My last month's bank statement had a mistake in it.
15) coverage : 보상(해당)범위
This insurance will increase your life insurance coverage by $1,000.
16) deposit : 예(치)금, 보증금
Tom made a deposit of $100 into his account.
17) late fee : 연체료
There is a late fee of $29 for credit card debt.
18) mortgage : 주택담보대출(금)
The mortgage on my home of for the amount of $200, 000.
19) premium : 보험료
The new insurance company will give you better a premium.
20) transaction : 거래
I take care of my bank transactions at the ATM.
제 8 탄
Part 1 어휘 정리
1) business cards~명함
2) shake hands~악수하다
3) adjust the microphone~마이크를 조정하다
4) a protective glove~보호용 장갑
5) pack one's bag~가방을 싸다
6) a traffic light~신호등
7) backpack~배낭
8) be lightly dressed~가볍게 옷을 입다
9) push a cart~손수레를 밀다
10) use a shovel~삽을 사용하다
11) dig with tools~도구로 파다
12) install~설치하다
13) in a row~연속으로
14) make a mark~표시하다
15) wrap up~요약하다, 매듭짓다
16) trim the trees~나무를 다듬다
17) on the edge of~가장자리에
18) steep and rocky~가파르고 돌이 많다
19) perform on stage~무대에서 공연하다
20) be displayed~전시되다
Where are you going to pick up the office supplies? (사무 용품들 어디 가서 살겁니까?)
The phone rang and I picked it up. (전화가 울리 길래 내가 받았어.)
10. postpone = put off : 연기하다, 미루다
The meeting has been postponed till next week. (회의가 다음주로 연기되었다.)
The match had to be put off due to the inclement weather.
(나쁜 날씨 때문에 경기가 연기될 수밖에 없었다.)
11. install: 설치하다
When will the security system be installed? (보안시스템이 언제 설치되나요?)
12. have a look at = take a look at = see
Can I take a look at the report? (제가 그 보고서 좀 봐도 될까요?)
13. be in charge of~ : ~이 누구의 책임 하에 있다.
Who’s in charge of this project? (이 프로젝트 책임자가 누구인가요?)
14. take effect = come into effect = go into effect : 효력을 발생하다
When will the new policy take effect? (새 정책이 언제부터 효력을 발생하나요?)
15. look forward to~ : 학수고대하다.
I’m really looking forward to our vacation. (난 우리 휴가가 정말 기다려진다.)
1) specification : 명세, 규격
We'd better double-check the specifications.
2) go on strike : 파업하다
The workers went on strike because the company refused to pay them health benefits.
3) conduct a survey : 조사를 행하다
When are you conducting the customer satisfaction survey?
4) come to a standstill : 멈추다, 정지하다
All computers in this room came to a standstill because of an unexpected blackout.
5) bid : 입찰(서)
We've already received bids from our regular bidders.
6) consumer confidence : 소비자 심리
Consumer confidence was low during the first quarter.
7) finance : <동> 자금을 대다
Most companies are financed with money from investors.
8) a fortune : 막대한 금액
They charged me a fortune for repair.
9) innovative : 혁신적인
To make a profit, we need an innovative product.
10) recession : 경기침체
The world economy tends to suffer a recession about every ten years.
11) reimburse : (먼저 쓴 돈을 사후에) 상환해주다
Can I get reimbursed for the car's damage?
12) file a tax return : 세금납부신고서를 제출하다
My spouse doesn't have to file a tax return because she doesn't work.
13) current balance : 현재잔고
The current balance in my bank account is $500.
14) bank statement : 은행거래내역서
My last month's bank statement had a mistake in it.
15) coverage : 보상(해당)범위
This insurance will increase your life insurance coverage by $1,000.
16) deposit : 예(치)금, 보증금
Tom made a deposit of $100 into his account.
17) late fee : 연체료
There is a late fee of $29 for credit card debt.
18) mortgage : 주택담보대출(금)
The mortgage on my home of for the amount of $200, 000.
19) premium : 보험료
The new insurance company will give you better a premium.
20) transaction : 거래
I take care of my bank transactions at the ATM.
제 8 탄
Part 1 어휘 정리
1) business cards~명함
2) shake hands~악수하다
3) adjust the microphone~마이크를 조정하다
4) a protective glove~보호용 장갑
5) pack one's bag~가방을 싸다
6) a traffic light~신호등
7) backpack~배낭
8) be lightly dressed~가볍게 옷을 입다
9) push a cart~손수레를 밀다
10) use a shovel~삽을 사용하다
11) dig with tools~도구로 파다
12) install~설치하다
13) in a row~연속으로
14) make a mark~표시하다
15) wrap up~요약하다, 매듭짓다
16) trim the trees~나무를 다듬다
17) on the edge of~가장자리에
18) steep and rocky~가파르고 돌이 많다
19) perform on stage~무대에서 공연하다
20) be displayed~전시되다
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