1. 소개의 글
2. SCM 공급사슬내의 CPFR 과 VMI
3. CPFR과 ROI개선
4. CPFR과 결품
5. 재고 정책 (Inventory Drivers)
6. CPFR의 효과
7. 참고문헌
<그림 차례>
그림 1 SPFR 프로세스 과정( 출처 : INTELLIC)
2. SCM 공급사슬내의 CPFR 과 VMI
3. CPFR과 ROI개선
4. CPFR과 결품
5. 재고 정책 (Inventory Drivers)
6. CPFR의 효과
7. 참고문헌
<그림 차례>
그림 1 SPFR 프로세스 과정( 출처 : INTELLIC)
"Examples of Production Dynamics Control for Cost Efficiency", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.48, pp.109-119.
Lambert, D.M., Cooper, M.C. and Pagh, J.D. (1998), "Supply Chain
Management: Implementation Issues and Research Opportunities", International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol.9 No.2, pp.1-19.
Lee, H.L., Padmanabhan, V. and Whang, S. (1997), "The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains", Sloan Management Review, Vol.38 No.3, pp.93-102.
Lee, H.L. (2002), "Aligning Supply Chain Strategies with Product Uncertainties", California Management Review, Vol.44 No.3, pp.105-119.
Mason-Jones, R. and Towill, D.R. (1999), "Using the Information Decoupling Point to Improve Supply Chain Performance", International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol.10 No.2, pp.13-26.
Mentzer, J.T. and Flint, D.J. (1997), "Validity in Logistics Research", Journal of Business Logistics, Vol.18 No.1, pp.199-216.
Metters, R. (1997), "Quantifying the Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains", Journal of Operations Management, Vol.15, pp.89-100.
Ott, R.L. and Longnecker, M. (2001), An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis, 5th eds., Pacific Grove, CA : Duxbury/Thomson Learning
Lee, H.L., Padmanabhan, V. and Whang, S. (1997), "The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains", Sloan Management Review, Vol.38 No.3, pp.93-102.
7. 참고문헌
주제어 : SCM 공급사슬내의 CPFR 과 VMI, CPFR과 ROI개선, CPFR과 결품, 재고 정책 (Inventory Drivers), CPFR의 효과SCM 전략의 유형, 판매방식과 공급방식의 변화, 수요중심의 SCM 전략, 공급망 체인, 기업물류비, 유통체인 경영학 1.6K
Lambert, D.M., Cooper, M.C. and Pagh, J.D. (1998), "Supply Chain
Management: Implementation Issues and Research Opportunities", International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol.9 No.2, pp.1-19.
Lee, H.L., Padmanabhan, V. and Whang, S. (1997), "The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains", Sloan Management Review, Vol.38 No.3, pp.93-102.
Lee, H.L. (2002), "Aligning Supply Chain Strategies with Product Uncertainties", California Management Review, Vol.44 No.3, pp.105-119.
Mason-Jones, R. and Towill, D.R. (1999), "Using the Information Decoupling Point to Improve Supply Chain Performance", International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol.10 No.2, pp.13-26.
Mentzer, J.T. and Flint, D.J. (1997), "Validity in Logistics Research", Journal of Business Logistics, Vol.18 No.1, pp.199-216.
Metters, R. (1997), "Quantifying the Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains", Journal of Operations Management, Vol.15, pp.89-100.
Ott, R.L. and Longnecker, M. (2001), An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis, 5th eds., Pacific Grove, CA : Duxbury/Thomson Learning
Lee, H.L., Padmanabhan, V. and Whang, S. (1997), "The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains", Sloan Management Review, Vol.38 No.3, pp.93-102.
7. 참고문헌
주제어 : SCM 공급사슬내의 CPFR 과 VMI, CPFR과 ROI개선, CPFR과 결품, 재고 정책 (Inventory Drivers), CPFR의 효과SCM 전략의 유형, 판매방식과 공급방식의 변화, 수요중심의 SCM 전략, 공급망 체인, 기업물류비, 유통체인 경영학 1.6K