The New Paradigm of Reducing Greenhouse Gases
The American scientific-fiction movie The Day After Tomorrow was released in 2004. This movie depicted that the earth experiences a major climate shift which pushes the planet into a new ice age. It is a race for survival as the whole northern hemisphere begins an evacuation to the south where it is warmer. It sounds like a very interesting story, but how will society think of it if the real situation is right in front of it? Because of this kind of anxiety, greenhouse gases and global warming are one of the hottest issues in a modern society. In the past, there have been many efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, but it did not generate a fully satisfied result. Nowadays, the greenhouse gases are still increasing rapidly and will inevitably affect the human race in the near future as in the movie. Therefore, we must plan out new long-term and step-wise solutions for reducing green house gases: inspiring people’s participation, establishing an effective governmental policy, and raising world-wide partnership.
The American scientific-fiction movie The Day After Tomorrow was released in 2004. This movie depicted that the earth experiences a major climate shift which pushes the planet into a new ice age. It is a race for survival as the whole northern hemisphere begins an evacuation to the south where it is warmer. It sounds like a very interesting story, but how will society think of it if the real situation is right in front of it? Because of this kind of anxiety, greenhouse gases and global warming are one of the hottest issues in a modern society. In the past, there have been many efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, but it did not generate a fully satisfied result. Nowadays, the greenhouse gases are still increasing rapidly and will inevitably affect the human race in the near future as in the movie. Therefore, we must plan out new long-term and step-wise solutions for reducing green house gases: inspiring people’s participation, establishing an effective governmental policy, and raising world-wide partnership.
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