
Ⅰ. 머리말
1. 국내외 연구동향
2. 연구시각
Ⅱ. 1950년대 본원적 자본축적과 정경유착
1. 귀속기업체의 특혜적 불하
2. 미국 원조자금과 물자의 특혜 배분
3. 은행대출을 통한 특혜
4. 군납 건설공사의 독점.
Ⅲ. 1960, 70년대 고도 경제성장과 정경유착
1. 외자도입
2. 특혜금융
3. 중화학공업정책
4. 수출과 해외건설 진출
Ⅳ. 1980년대 전환기의 정경유착
1. 전두환 정권과 정경유착
2. 노태우 정권과 정경유착
3. 노태우 비자금 사건
Ⅴ. 1990년대 신자유주의적 축적과 정경유착
1. 김영삼 정권과 정경유착
2. 김대중 정권과 정경유착
Ⅵ. 맺음말
1. 국내외 연구동향
2. 연구시각
Ⅱ. 1950년대 본원적 자본축적과 정경유착
1. 귀속기업체의 특혜적 불하
2. 미국 원조자금과 물자의 특혜 배분
3. 은행대출을 통한 특혜
4. 군납 건설공사의 독점.
Ⅲ. 1960, 70년대 고도 경제성장과 정경유착
1. 외자도입
2. 특혜금융
3. 중화학공업정책
4. 수출과 해외건설 진출
Ⅳ. 1980년대 전환기의 정경유착
1. 전두환 정권과 정경유착
2. 노태우 정권과 정경유착
3. 노태우 비자금 사건
Ⅴ. 1990년대 신자유주의적 축적과 정경유착
1. 김영삼 정권과 정경유착
2. 김대중 정권과 정경유착
Ⅵ. 맺음말
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Young-Iob Chung(1986), "Capital Accumulation of Zaibul in Korea During the Early Stages of Economic Development", 『제2차 국제 한국인 경제학자 학술대회 논문집』.
Klitgaard, R. 1998. "International Cooperation Against Corruption", Finance and Development, Vol.35 No.1, World Bank.
Kong, T. Y. 1996. "Corruption and its Institutional Foundations: The Experience of South Korea", IDS Bulletin 27(2): 48-55.
Krueger, A. O. 1974. "The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society", American Economic Review 64(3), June.
Leff, N. H. 1978. "Industrial Organization and Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: The Economic Groups", Economic Development and Cultural Change, July : 661-675.
Lui, F. 1996. "Three Aspects of Corruption", Contemporary Economic Policy 14(July).
Mauro, P. 1995. "Corruption and growth", Quaterly Journal of Economics, 110, 3(August) :681-711
_________. 1997. "Why Worry About Corruption", Economic Issues 6. IMF.
Moran, Jon. 1999. "Patterns of corruption and development in East Asia", Third World Quarterly, Vol 20, No 3, pp. 569-587.
Murphy, K. M., Andrei Schleifer and R. W. Vishny. 1993. "Why is Rent-Seeking so Costly to Growth?", American Economic Review.
Nas, T. F., A. Price and C. Weber. 1986. "A Policy-Oriented Theory of Corruption", American Political Science Review, Vol. 80, No.1, March
Olson, M(Jr). 1993. "Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development", The American Political Science Review 87,3(September):567-576.
Posner, R. A. 1975. "The Social Costs of Monopoly and Regulation", Journal of Political Economy 83(4), 807-827.
Przeworski, A. and Fernando L. 1993. "Political Regimes and Economic Growth", Journal of Economic Perspectives 7(3):51-69.
Rajan, R. D. and Zingales, 1998. Which Capitalism, Lessons From the Asian Crisis,
Robinson, Mark ed. 1998. Corruption and Development, Frank Cass, London.
Rose-Ackerman, S. 1975. "The economics of corruption", Journal of Public Economics 4(2), February.
__________________. 1978. The Political Economy of Corruption, Academic Press
__________________. 1997. "The Political Economy of Corruption", In Corruption and the Global Economy Edited by K.B. Elliot, Institute for International Economics, Washington.
__________________. 1999. Corruption and Government : Causes, Consequences and Reform, Cambridge University Press.
Scherer, F.M. 1980. Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance, Rand McNally College Publishing Company.
Shleifer, A. and Vishny, R. 1993. "Corruption", Quaterly Journal of Economics, Autumn. v.108, n.3, p.599-617.
Tanzi, V. and Davoodi H. 1998. "Roads to Nowhere: How Corruption in Public Investment Hurts Growth", Economic Issues, No.12, IMF.
Theobald, R.1999. "So What Really Is the Problem about Coruuption", Third World Quarterly, Vol 20, No 3, pp 491-502.
Wedeman, A. 1997. "Looters, Rent-Scrapers, and Dididend-Collectors: The Political Economy of Corruption in Zaire, South Korea,and Philippnes", The Journal of Developing Areas 31(4) Summer).
Young-Iob Chung(1986), "Capital Accumulation of Zaibul in Korea During the Early Stages of Economic Development", 『제2차 국제 한국인 경제학자 학술대회 논문집』.