Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 은행합병의 내용
1. 개 요
2. 합병은행의 특성
가. 한빛은행(한국상업은행+한일은행)
나. 하나은행(하나은행+보람은행)
다. 국민은행(국민은행+한국장기신용은행)
Ⅲ. 은행합병의 효과
1. 기존 연구결과 : 미국의 경험을 중심으로
2. 우리나라 은행합병의 효과 예상
Ⅳ. 시사점
1. 합병은행
2. 정책당국
Ⅱ. 은행합병의 내용
1. 개 요
2. 합병은행의 특성
가. 한빛은행(한국상업은행+한일은행)
나. 하나은행(하나은행+보람은행)
다. 국민은행(국민은행+한국장기신용은행)
Ⅲ. 은행합병의 효과
1. 기존 연구결과 : 미국의 경험을 중심으로
2. 우리나라 은행합병의 효과 예상
Ⅳ. 시사점
1. 합병은행
2. 정책당국
up, Benton E., Bank Mergers : Current Issues and Perspectives, edited by Benton E. Gup, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989.
Hawawini, Gabriel and Itzhak Swary, Mergers and Acquisitions in the U.S. Banking Industry, North-Holland, 1990.
Houston, Joel F., and Michael D. Ryngaert, "Equity Issuance and Adverse Selection : A Direct Test Using Conditional Stock Offers," The Journal of Finance, Vol.LⅡ, No.1, March 1997, pp.197∼219.
Jackson, William E. Ⅲ, "Is The Market Well Defined in Bank Merger and Acquisition Analysis?," The Review of Economics and Statistics, November 1992, pp.655∼661.
Keeton, William R. and Anne D. McKibbin, "Changes in the Depository Industry in Tenth District States," Economic Review, FRB of Kansas City, Third Quarter 1996, pp.55∼76.
Kolari, James, and Asghar Zardkoohi, Bank Cost, Structure, and Performance, Lexington Books, 1987.
Linder, Jane C. and Dwight B. Crane, "Bank Mergers : Integration and Profitability," Journal of Financial Services Research, Vol.7, January 1993, pp.35∼55.
McAllister, P. H. and D. McManus, "Resolving the Scale Efficiency Puzzle in Banking," Journal of Banking and Finance 17, April 1993, pp.389∼405.
McCoy, J. B., L. A. Frieder and R. B. Hedges, Jr., BottomLine Banking, Probus Publishing Co., 1994.
Mester, Loretta J., "How efficient are third district banks?," Business Review, FRB of Philadelphia, Jan/Feb 1994, pp.3∼18.
Paroush, Jacob, "The Effect of Merger and Acquisition Activity on the Safety and Soundness of a Banking System," Review of Industrial Organization 10, 1995, pp.53∼67.
Peek, Joe and Eric S. Rosengren, "Bank consolidation and small business lending: it's not just bank size that matters," Journal of Banking and Finance 22, 1998, pp.799∼819.
Peristiani, Stavros, "Do Mergers Improve the X-Efficiency and Scale Efficiency of U.S. Banks? : Evidence from the 1980s," Research Paper 96-23, FRB of NewYork, June 1996
Pilloff, Steven J., "Performance Changes and Shareholder Wealth Creation Associated with Mergers of Publicly Traded Banking Institutions," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 28, No 3, August 1996, Part 1, pp.294∼310.
Rhoades, S. A., "Efficiency effects of horizontal(in-market) bank mergers," Journal of Banking and Finance 17, April 1993, pp.411∼22.
________________, "A Summary of Merger Performance Studies in Banking, 1980-93, and an Assessment of the 'Operating Performance' and 'Event Study' Methodologies," FRB Staff studies paper 167, July 1994.
________________, "The efficiency effects of bank merger: An overview of case studies of nine mergers," Journal of Banking and Finance 22, 1998, pp.273∼91.
Shaffer, S., "Can Megamergers Improve Bank Efficiency?," Journal of Banking and Finance 17, April 1993, pp.423∼36.
Srinivasan, Aruna, "Are there Cost Savings from Bank Mergers?," Economic Review, FRB of Atlanta, Vol.77, No.2, March/April 1992, pp.17∼34.
Spiegel, John W. and Alan Gart, "What Lies Behind the Bank Merger and Acqusition Frenzy?," Business Economics, April 1996, pp.47∼52.
Hawawini, Gabriel and Itzhak Swary, Mergers and Acquisitions in the U.S. Banking Industry, North-Holland, 1990.
Houston, Joel F., and Michael D. Ryngaert, "Equity Issuance and Adverse Selection : A Direct Test Using Conditional Stock Offers," The Journal of Finance, Vol.LⅡ, No.1, March 1997, pp.197∼219.
Jackson, William E. Ⅲ, "Is The Market Well Defined in Bank Merger and Acquisition Analysis?," The Review of Economics and Statistics, November 1992, pp.655∼661.
Keeton, William R. and Anne D. McKibbin, "Changes in the Depository Industry in Tenth District States," Economic Review, FRB of Kansas City, Third Quarter 1996, pp.55∼76.
Kolari, James, and Asghar Zardkoohi, Bank Cost, Structure, and Performance, Lexington Books, 1987.
Linder, Jane C. and Dwight B. Crane, "Bank Mergers : Integration and Profitability," Journal of Financial Services Research, Vol.7, January 1993, pp.35∼55.
McAllister, P. H. and D. McManus, "Resolving the Scale Efficiency Puzzle in Banking," Journal of Banking and Finance 17, April 1993, pp.389∼405.
McCoy, J. B., L. A. Frieder and R. B. Hedges, Jr., BottomLine Banking, Probus Publishing Co., 1994.
Mester, Loretta J., "How efficient are third district banks?," Business Review, FRB of Philadelphia, Jan/Feb 1994, pp.3∼18.
Paroush, Jacob, "The Effect of Merger and Acquisition Activity on the Safety and Soundness of a Banking System," Review of Industrial Organization 10, 1995, pp.53∼67.
Peek, Joe and Eric S. Rosengren, "Bank consolidation and small business lending: it's not just bank size that matters," Journal of Banking and Finance 22, 1998, pp.799∼819.
Peristiani, Stavros, "Do Mergers Improve the X-Efficiency and Scale Efficiency of U.S. Banks? : Evidence from the 1980s," Research Paper 96-23, FRB of NewYork, June 1996
Pilloff, Steven J., "Performance Changes and Shareholder Wealth Creation Associated with Mergers of Publicly Traded Banking Institutions," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 28, No 3, August 1996, Part 1, pp.294∼310.
Rhoades, S. A., "Efficiency effects of horizontal(in-market) bank mergers," Journal of Banking and Finance 17, April 1993, pp.411∼22.
________________, "A Summary of Merger Performance Studies in Banking, 1980-93, and an Assessment of the 'Operating Performance' and 'Event Study' Methodologies," FRB Staff studies paper 167, July 1994.
________________, "The efficiency effects of bank merger: An overview of case studies of nine mergers," Journal of Banking and Finance 22, 1998, pp.273∼91.
Shaffer, S., "Can Megamergers Improve Bank Efficiency?," Journal of Banking and Finance 17, April 1993, pp.423∼36.
Srinivasan, Aruna, "Are there Cost Savings from Bank Mergers?," Economic Review, FRB of Atlanta, Vol.77, No.2, March/April 1992, pp.17∼34.
Spiegel, John W. and Alan Gart, "What Lies Behind the Bank Merger and Acqusition Frenzy?," Business Economics, April 1996, pp.47∼52.
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