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윤현경(1989). 배경음악의 장르가 인지적 과제수행에 미치는 영향. 미간행 석사학위논문.이화 여자대학교.
Borling, J. E. (1981). The effects of sedative music on alpha rhythms and focused attention in high-creative and low-creative subjects. Journal of Music Therapy, 1981, 18,101-108.
Gregoire, M. E.(1984). Music as prior condition to task performance. Journal of Music Therapy, 21, 133-145.
Kinsbourne, M. (1974). Lateral interaction in the brain. Hemispheric Disconnection and Cerebral Function. Spring-field, IL:Charles C Thomas.
Reardon, D. M. ,& Bell, G.(1970). Effects of sedative and stimulative music on activity levels of severely retarded boys. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 75, 156-159.
Stainback, S. ,Stainback, W. & Hallahan, E.(1973). Effect of background music on learning. Exceptional Children, 40, 109-110.
윤현경(1989). 배경음악의 장르가 인지적 과제수행에 미치는 영향. 미간행 석사학위논문.이화 여자대학교.
Borling, J. E. (1981). The effects of sedative music on alpha rhythms and focused attention in high-creative and low-creative subjects. Journal of Music Therapy, 1981, 18,101-108.
Gregoire, M. E.(1984). Music as prior condition to task performance. Journal of Music Therapy, 21, 133-145.
Kinsbourne, M. (1974). Lateral interaction in the brain. Hemispheric Disconnection and Cerebral Function. Spring-field, IL:Charles C Thomas.
Reardon, D. M. ,& Bell, G.(1970). Effects of sedative and stimulative music on activity levels of severely retarded boys. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 75, 156-159.
Stainback, S. ,Stainback, W. & Hallahan, E.(1973). Effect of background music on learning. Exceptional Children, 40, 109-110.
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