information storage capacity, children's information for example children's name, phone number, address, parent's information and so on can be stored in a tiny QR code which is carved on child's necklace or name tag. When someone find the crying child, he or she may help the child to find parents using the QR code. But it also can be misused for kidnapping or exposure of their parents' personal information.
Qr code's effectiveness becomes higher in numerous business sphere but there are also some limitations and adverse effects. It's just beginning. There are only contents of accessing the products' URL or showing information because it's beginning stage so level of developing contents is also beginning stage yet. If develop of contents stops this stage without novelty, it can be end in transient boom. Beside existing usage of QR code, developing distinctive and differentiated contents through continuous research is necessary for broad and effective use in overall industry from now on. Especially, if QR code can used for bilateral communication media using Web2.0 other than unilateral media, the future of Qr code will be bright.
6. Reference
김도윤. (2010). What is QRcode design?(Internet). Available from: http://www.piamo.kr/DesignQR.html. Accessed 19.12.10
강성근. (2010). 수출과 QR코드. Available from: http://blog.naver.com/bgreenlife?Redirect=Log&logNo=130094191010. Accessed 19.12.10
Adinplan. (2010). QR코드 붐, QR 코드 마케팅 사례2(Internet). Available form: http://blog.naver.com/adinplan?Redirect=Log&logNo=120116962527. Accessed 19.12.10
Alexander, S. M. (2010). Using QR Codes for Mobile Tagging has some pitfalls, that you should definitely avoid(Internet). Available from: http://telfordummies.blogspot.com/2010/10/using-qr-codes-for-mobile-tagging-has.html. Accessed 19.12.10
Blue, O. (2010). 이니코드_QR코드를 활용한 결제방식(Internet). Available from: http://ryusrryu.blog.me/20112007132. Accessed 19.12.10
Denso. W. (2000). QRcode(Internet). Available from: www.qrcode.com. Accessed 19.12.10
Kisti. (2010). QR코드의 정체를 알려주마!(Internet). Available from: http://blog.naver.com/kisti001?Redirect=Log&logNo=130094761005. Accessed 19.12.10
Mark, S. (2010). Microsoft Tags: A Compelling Alternative To QR Code Hyperlinks(Internet). Available from : http://marksprague.wordpress.com/about/understanding-qr-codes/. Accessed 19.12.10
Printi. (2010). 홈쇼핑의 QR 코드 활용 사례(Internet). Available from: http://cafe.naver.com/ohappyvirus.cafe?iframe_url=/ArticleRead.nhn%3Farticleid=796. Accessed 19.12.10
Rachel. V. (2010). Cool Tools to Help Libraries Bridge the Gap Between Print and Digital Environments(Internet). Available from: http://www.slideshare.net/vacekrae/qr-codeaugmentreal. Accessed 19.12.10
Reid, C. (2010). The benefits and pitfalls of QR codes(Internet). Available from: http://media.daum.net/press/view.html?cateid=1065&newsid=20101018120144384&p=yonhappr. Accessed 19.12.10
Walse. J. (2010). ORcode(Internet). Available from: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR%EC%BD%94%EB%93%9C. Accessed 19.12.10
Qr code's effectiveness becomes higher in numerous business sphere but there are also some limitations and adverse effects. It's just beginning. There are only contents of accessing the products' URL or showing information because it's beginning stage so level of developing contents is also beginning stage yet. If develop of contents stops this stage without novelty, it can be end in transient boom. Beside existing usage of QR code, developing distinctive and differentiated contents through continuous research is necessary for broad and effective use in overall industry from now on. Especially, if QR code can used for bilateral communication media using Web2.0 other than unilateral media, the future of Qr code will be bright.
6. Reference
김도윤. (2010). What is QRcode design?(Internet). Available from: http://www.piamo.kr/DesignQR.html. Accessed 19.12.10
강성근. (2010). 수출과 QR코드. Available from: http://blog.naver.com/bgreenlife?Redirect=Log&logNo=130094191010. Accessed 19.12.10
Adinplan. (2010). QR코드 붐, QR 코드 마케팅 사례2(Internet). Available form: http://blog.naver.com/adinplan?Redirect=Log&logNo=120116962527. Accessed 19.12.10
Alexander, S. M. (2010). Using QR Codes for Mobile Tagging has some pitfalls, that you should definitely avoid(Internet). Available from: http://telfordummies.blogspot.com/2010/10/using-qr-codes-for-mobile-tagging-has.html. Accessed 19.12.10
Blue, O. (2010). 이니코드_QR코드를 활용한 결제방식(Internet). Available from: http://ryusrryu.blog.me/20112007132. Accessed 19.12.10
Denso. W. (2000). QRcode(Internet). Available from: www.qrcode.com. Accessed 19.12.10
Kisti. (2010). QR코드의 정체를 알려주마!(Internet). Available from: http://blog.naver.com/kisti001?Redirect=Log&logNo=130094761005. Accessed 19.12.10
Mark, S. (2010). Microsoft Tags: A Compelling Alternative To QR Code Hyperlinks(Internet). Available from : http://marksprague.wordpress.com/about/understanding-qr-codes/. Accessed 19.12.10
Printi. (2010). 홈쇼핑의 QR 코드 활용 사례(Internet). Available from: http://cafe.naver.com/ohappyvirus.cafe?iframe_url=/ArticleRead.nhn%3Farticleid=796. Accessed 19.12.10
Rachel. V. (2010). Cool Tools to Help Libraries Bridge the Gap Between Print and Digital Environments(Internet). Available from: http://www.slideshare.net/vacekrae/qr-codeaugmentreal. Accessed 19.12.10
Reid, C. (2010). The benefits and pitfalls of QR codes(Internet). Available from: http://media.daum.net/press/view.html?cateid=1065&newsid=20101018120144384&p=yonhappr. Accessed 19.12.10
Walse. J. (2010). ORcode(Internet). Available from: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR%EC%BD%94%EB%93%9C. Accessed 19.12.10
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