1 연구 방법
1.1. 담화 분석과 상호작용 능력 이론
1.2. 분석 자료 개관
1.3. 담화 분석 결과 및 논의점
1..3.1. 인터뷰 시험 담화의 전체 구조
1.3.2. 말순서 취하기(Turn-taking)
1.3.3. 인접쌍(Adjacency pairs)
1.3.4. 주제 주도성(topic nomination)
참고 문헌
1.1. 담화 분석과 상호작용 능력 이론
1.2. 분석 자료 개관
1.3. 담화 분석 결과 및 논의점
1..3.1. 인터뷰 시험 담화의 전체 구조
1.3.2. 말순서 취하기(Turn-taking)
1.3.3. 인접쌍(Adjacency pairs)
1.3.4. 주제 주도성(topic nomination)
참고 문헌
osophy of Second Language Acquisition, Yale University.
McNamara, T. (1996), Measuring second language performance, 채선희 외 역, 문항반응이론의 이론과 실제, 서현사.
McNamara, T. (2000), Language Testing, 강성우 외 역, 언어평가, 박이정.
Hall, J. K. (1993), “The role of oral practices in the accomplishment of our everyday lives: The sociocultural dimension of interaction with implication for the learning of another language.” Applied Linguistics, 14(2).
Hall, J. K. (1995), “(Re)creating our words with words: A sociohistorical perspective of face to face interaction.” Applied Linguistics, 16(2).
Hughes, R. (2002), Teaching and Researching Speaking, Longman.
Young, R. (1995), “Conversational styles in language proficiency interviews.” Language Learning, 45.
Young, R. (2000), “Interactional Competence: Challenges for Validity”, Symposium on Interdisciplinary Interfaces with language Testing, UBC, Canada.
Young, R., & Miller, E. (2004), “Learning as Changing Participation: Discourse Role in ESL Writing Conferences”, The Modern Language Journal, 88, iv.
Understanding the Test Construct of Korean Oral Ability through a Discourse Analysis of Korean Achievement Interview Tests
Jee, Hyun Suk
The purpose of this study is to discuss a new approach for assessing the oral ability of Korean learners. A construct needs to be designed or selected for testing that will strengthen the inferences. A face-to-face interview format could be used to elicit Korean language samples in oral ability testing. It is desirable to replicate Korean language use situations in oral testing, and an interview test is believed to assess more interactive and real language abilities. However, it has been argued that speech samples from interviews are different from those in natural oral communication settings.
This article is aimed at understanding the test constructs made through an interview which was adopted as a Korean achievement test. Data from the Korean interview test were analyzed in terms of how they were different from natural conversations. It was found that a construct of a Korean oral ability test did not reflect the characteristics of authentic speech, specifically in the area of turn-taking, adjacency pairs, and topic nomination.
There are few attempts to provide a complete and systematic account of approaches to testing Korean as a foreign language, but systematic accounts have been the testing of other languages. It has been suggested that Interactional Competence Theory could be an alternative approach to the many models of Communicative Language Ability with which most of language testing has worked.
This study shows that we need to take diverse construct-based approaches and discourse analysis into the Korean oral ability assessment because communicating and interacting with oral language is a complex matter.
[Key Word] achievement test, assessing oral ability, communicative competence, construct, construct-based approaches, discourse analysis, Interactional Competence Theory, int
McNamara, T. (1996), Measuring second language performance, 채선희 외 역, 문항반응이론의 이론과 실제, 서현사.
McNamara, T. (2000), Language Testing, 강성우 외 역, 언어평가, 박이정.
Hall, J. K. (1993), “The role of oral practices in the accomplishment of our everyday lives: The sociocultural dimension of interaction with implication for the learning of another language.” Applied Linguistics, 14(2).
Hall, J. K. (1995), “(Re)creating our words with words: A sociohistorical perspective of face to face interaction.” Applied Linguistics, 16(2).
Hughes, R. (2002), Teaching and Researching Speaking, Longman.
Young, R. (1995), “Conversational styles in language proficiency interviews.” Language Learning, 45.
Young, R. (2000), “Interactional Competence: Challenges for Validity”, Symposium on Interdisciplinary Interfaces with language Testing, UBC, Canada.
Young, R., & Miller, E. (2004), “Learning as Changing Participation: Discourse Role in ESL Writing Conferences”, The Modern Language Journal, 88, iv.
Understanding the Test Construct of Korean Oral Ability through a Discourse Analysis of Korean Achievement Interview Tests
Jee, Hyun Suk
The purpose of this study is to discuss a new approach for assessing the oral ability of Korean learners. A construct needs to be designed or selected for testing that will strengthen the inferences. A face-to-face interview format could be used to elicit Korean language samples in oral ability testing. It is desirable to replicate Korean language use situations in oral testing, and an interview test is believed to assess more interactive and real language abilities. However, it has been argued that speech samples from interviews are different from those in natural oral communication settings.
This article is aimed at understanding the test constructs made through an interview which was adopted as a Korean achievement test. Data from the Korean interview test were analyzed in terms of how they were different from natural conversations. It was found that a construct of a Korean oral ability test did not reflect the characteristics of authentic speech, specifically in the area of turn-taking, adjacency pairs, and topic nomination.
There are few attempts to provide a complete and systematic account of approaches to testing Korean as a foreign language, but systematic accounts have been the testing of other languages. It has been suggested that Interactional Competence Theory could be an alternative approach to the many models of Communicative Language Ability with which most of language testing has worked.
This study shows that we need to take diverse construct-based approaches and discourse analysis into the Korean oral ability assessment because communicating and interacting with oral language is a complex matter.
[Key Word] achievement test, assessing oral ability, communicative competence, construct, construct-based approaches, discourse analysis, Interactional Competence Theory, int
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